Estate Planning Attorneys Serving in Lawrence

An unexpected accident or medical event can change the course of anyone’s life at any moment. While we may not like to think about worst-case scenarios, it is essential to be prepared for whatever life throws at us. If you want to learn more about how you can prepare for the future, an estate planning attorney can help. Van Dyck Law Group serves clients all over New Jersey, including Lawrence.

With an estate plan, your family will have access to the information they need to make decisions on your behalf in the event you are medically incapacitated. They will also know what to do in the event you suddenly pass away. In fact, an estate plan can contain a number of different documents, according to your own preferences. What you include in your estate plan depends on your financial situation, your beneficiaries, and, ultimately, your wishes for the future. 

Discussing the future can be uncomfortable. However, our attorneys are well-versed in handling these conversations and can help you form an estate plan that meets your needs. At the Van Dyck Law Group, we can help you establish an advance directive, write a last will and testament, form a trust, and more.

Van Dyck Law Group is ready to have an open discussion regarding protecting your legacy. The sooner you start thinking about your assets and how they should be handled, the better. No matter your situation, we can help you develop an estate plan that is right for you and your loved ones.  

Start learning about the benefits of establishing an estate plan. Call (609) 293-2562 or contact us online to make a no-risk appointment and consultation today.

Estate Planning Lawyers Planning for Tomorrow in Lawrence 

Located in Mercer County near Trenton, Lawrence is situated between the Delaware Valley region and the Raritan Valley region. This suburban community is made up of many generations, including many families who have lived in the area for over a century. The area features an array of restaurants, locally-owned businesses, and parks. 

Lawrence is most well-known for its diversity and highly-rated public schools. Residents throughout Lawrence participate in a number of committees that focus on inclusivity, diversity, safety, and the environment.   

No matter what stage of life you are in, it’s never too early to make a plan that secures your family’s future. The estate planning attorneys at Van Dyck Law Group are proud to represent the residents of Lawrence. We are here when you are ready to talk.  

Our services include:

  • Last Will & Testament Creation
  • Trust Formation
  • Estate Tax Planning
  • Charitable Planning
  • Special Needs Estate Planning
  • Asset Protection
  • Long-term Care Planning
  • Medical Crisis Planning (Advanced Directives)
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Estate Plan Reviews
  • Probate Assistance

Proudly Serving Our Clients in Mercer County

Van Dyck Law Group provides comprehensive guidance to help individuals get their estates in order. We can assist you in learning more about the most important strategies for estate planning, including helping you put your existing wishes into goal-oriented actions. No matter what your circumstances are in life, you can benefit from working with a Mercer County estate planning attorney who is well-versed in New Jersey law.

Mercer County was first populated well before the founding of New Jersey or the United States. Originally inhabited by the Lenape, early Europeans arrived in the area in 1610. More than a century later, in 1754, a group of trustees decided to move their college to the area — the college that is today known as Princeton University. However, it wasn’t until 1838 that Mercer County was founded. 

Today, Mercer County is brimming with flourishing neighborhoods, rich farmlands, and bustling urban centers. Long-time residents and visitors alike can always find something new to do in Mercer County.  

The Importance of Establishing an Estate Plan

Estate plans are not just for high-net individuals. Regardless of your financial status or age, it is essential to have an estate plan. Establishing an estate plan will ensure your assets are appropriately distributed after your death and that your personal affairs are prepared for challenges like probate and inheritance taxes. 

If you were to pass away without an estate plan, New Jersey law decides what happens to your assets. In most instances, the surviving spouse and/or surviving children are deemed the representative of the estate and have the responsibility of distributing any assets. If there is no spouse or other family members, the court will name a public trustee to manage distribution. 

The probate process is long and often expensive. When you have an estate plan, you can help your loved ones save time and money after you’re gone by laying out your wishes officially and strategizing to minimize their own procedural burdens. 

Estate planning is especially important when you have dependent children. If you were to die without a surviving spouse to raise your children, the probate court would likely appoint a legal guardian for your children. In some cases, they could go into foster care and become a ward of the state. With an estate plan, you can ensure your children are cared for if you pass away.

There are many other considerations that go into an estate plan, as well, including your advance directive, powers of attorney, and more. Speak to an estate planning lawyer that serves Lawrence at Van Dyck Law to start the process and help your loved ones be prepared for the future.

Elements of an Estate Plan  

Your wants and needs for your estate plan will affect the types of documents you wish to file. 

The most common elements of an estate plan include the following:

  • Last Will and Testament. Your will contains all of your wishes and intentions regarding the distribution of your possessions after you pass away, as well as other important instructions. You can name a personal representative to manage your estate, describe your preferred funeral & burial arrangements, and offer other guidance for your loved ones in handling your affairs. 
  • Probate Planning. Most wills must pass through probate court to be executed. As there are some exceptions in New Jersey, it is best to work with an estate planning attorney to prepare for the probate process and minimize the duties placed upon your surviving heirs.
  • Trust Documents. A trust is a legal entity that involves the trustor, trust manager, and beneficiary. They can include specific instructions, including the transferral of property held in trust to a specific beneficiary. Establishing a trust is often favorable during estate planning, as it means avoiding probate court. 
  • Powers of Attorney. In the event you are incapacitated, designating someone with power of attorney specifies who has the ability to make financial and/or medical decisions on your behalf. 
  • Advance Directives. An advance directive is a health care document, also referred to as a “living will.” These documents outline what you want to happen in the event you are medically incapacitated. You can specify which life-saving measures you would like administered, for example, or specify how financial affairs will be managed in your stead. 

What to Expect From a New Jersey Estate Planning Law Firm

While we should all plan for our futures, some find the idea of discussing estate planning uncomfortable, perhaps even morbid. Fortunately, the estate planning lawyers from Van Dyck Law group know how to handle your questions and concerns with the utmost respect and care.

When you first reach out to us, we will make an appointment to discuss your options. The more prepared you are for the meeting, the better we can serve you. 

For example, consider the following questions prior to the meeting:

  • What types of properties and assets do you own?
  • Who may you want to manage your estate and carry out your wishes after your passing?
  • Will you need a trust or a charitable plan, or could you benefit from establishing one?
  • Who are the beneficiaries you wish to inherit your assets?
  • Do you need to select an appointed guardian for minor children? If so, who might you consider?

While you won’t need formal documentation when we first meet, mentally preparing to answer those questions can make the preliminary process easier. When you seek estate planning guidance from our lawyers in Mercer County, you can rest assured that your wishes will be honored and your legacy upheld. 

Speak With an Estate Planning Attorney From Van Dyck Law Group With Experience Serving Lawrence

Van Dyck Law Group provides clients with personalized estate planning guidance so they can move into the future with confidence and peace of mind. We understand that you cannot always predict what will happen, but with a regular review of your affairs, you will have the opportunity to plan for the broadest range of scenarios. 

To leave your loved ones with everything they need to preserve your legacy now is the time to take action. We will explain the steps you need to take to prepare for the future. Schedule your no-risk consultation now by calling Van Dyck Law Group at (609) 293-2562, or contact us online.

Van Dyck Law Group Client Reviews

“ Fiona and her team made a complicated and potentially difficult process of planning for the inevitable an easy, pleasant and uncomplicated experience. Amazing!”

– Anonymous survey 2

“ The staff was very professional, courteous, and responsive. The process of updating and restating our trusts was less arduous than anticipated. Every question was clearly explained and clarified and aimed at our level of understanding. This was an A+ service.”

– David & Diane of New Providence, NJ

“ Fiona is professional and highly knowledgeable, but what sets her apart is her ability to explain complex legal details in an easy to understand manner. She is friendly and patiently answered our many questions thoroughly. Her staff is equally friendly and responsive. And they accomplished all of this under virtual conditions! Very pleased with our experience.”

– James and Sheri H.- Hopewell, NJ

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