New Jersey Special Needs Resources
Serving Families and Individuals in Princeton, NJ and the Surrounding Areas
We hope that the special needs resources listed below will provide additional information to help you in planning for your loved one with special needs.
Social Security Resources
Handbook for Trustee
A special needs trust can provide supplemental support like therapy, dental care, companions, education or entertainment for an individual with a disability without interfering with his or her government benefits. However, it can be very confusing and difficult to administer. This Handbook for Trustees can provide an overview of the trustee’s role and responsibilities in administering a special needs trust.
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys is a non-profit association that assists those who work with older individuals and their families. The Academy provides information, education, and assistance to those who deal with the specialized issues unique to the legal needs of the elderly and those with special needs.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is dedicated to improving the lives of persons living with serious mental illness and their families. There are NAMI organizations in every state and in over 1,200 communities nationwide.
The Arc
The Arc is a national organization of and for people with developmental disabilities and their families working to improve the support and services available to them.